International Student Diplomat Update: Finals Week Resources
Hello everyone, it is officially 23 days to finals week! We hope your semester is going well. We, the international diplomats wanted to suggest some study areas where you can study for finals week.
- Helms-Cravens Library
Aramark will provide unlimited chocolate cookies and coffee during the finals week at the library!!! There are numerous personal study rooms, quiet floors and group collaboration areas available at the library.
- DSU Study Lounge
Mass Media
Off-campus Resources :
Spencer’s Coffee
On behalf of all International Diplomats, we offer our best wishes for you with your final exams. We hope all the extra work you expend now will lead to a beautiful and relaxing break after December 14th, And we all look forward to seeing you back in January!
Feel free to contact any of us HERE if you need any help or assistance. We are here to make sure you have all the tools you need for success!
Contact us: http://bit.ly/2qL6FC7